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Značka Tender Leaf Toys síce pochádza z USA, ale hračky vyrába v malej fabrike v Indonézii zo zvyškov stromov kaučukovníkov, ktoré už neprodukujú latex a za každý použitý strom vysadia nový. Sú ručne vyrábané a sú proste prekrásne!
Každý jeden kúsok vás očarí a budete vedieť, že stee svojim deťom dali to najlepšie.
Moderná súprava troch inteligentných elektromobilov s nabíjacou jednotkou poteší každého ekologicky zmýšľajúceho motoristu. Ideálne na krátke jazdy po miestnosti!
Prevezmite budúcnosť dopravy s našou sadou troch inteligentných elektrických vozidiel a nabíjacej jednotky. Každé auto má malý otvor na pripojenie k nabíjaciemu bodu.
Odporúčaný vek: od 18 mesiacov
Rozmery: 15 x 7 x 8 cm
Hmotnosť: 0,14 kg
it is
stylish, the towel is compact, lightweight and double-sided, so it won't be too much to carry. Quick-drying and ultra-absorbent, you'll be able to sunbathe, get lost in your summer read, and soak up the good vibes. One side has the Travel design, and the other is bright green!
85x180 cm
Claim your space on the beach in style with the Legami Beach Towel - Travel. As practical as it is stylish, the towel is compact, lightweight and double-sided, so it won't be too much to carry. Quick-drying and ultra-absorbent, you'll be able to sunbathe, get lost in your summer read, and soak up the good vibes. One side has the Travel design, and the other is bright green!
85x180 cm
85x180 cm
85x180 cm
Claim your space on the beach in style with the Legami Beach Towel - Travel. As practical as it is stylish, the towel is compact, lightweight and double-sided, so it won't be too much to carry. Quick-drying and ultra-absorbent, you'll be able to sunbathe, get lost in your summer read, and soak up the good vibes. One side has the Travel design, and the other is bright green!
85x180 cm
85x180 cm
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